The B’K January 2013
- Art from: Louie Crew, Freedom Heindl, Andrew Peterson, douglas somers, Chris Talbot-Heindl, Dana Talbot-Heindl, Wlkn_Fire, Jacob Zurawski
- Non-fiction: John Lee
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Jacob Cardarelli, Marc Carver, Mike Cluff, Holly Day, Colin Dodds, Jason Ford, Zachary Frisch, Dawnell Harrison, Dan Hedges, Paul Hostovsky, LM & XY, Sy Roth, Robert Lavette Smith Jameson Stewart, To Love Sophia, Cinzia Tomassini, Kate Winter
The B’K February 2013
- Art from: Freedom Heindl, Andrew Peterson, douglas somers, Dana Talbot-Heindl
- Fiction from: Louis Marvin & XY
- Non-fiction from: Chris Talbot-Heindl
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Marc Carver, Mike Cluff, Holly Day, Colin Dodds, Jason Ford, Zachary Frisch, Dawnell Harrison, Dan Hedges, Paul Hostovsky, Afzal Moolla, Terry Scott Niebeling, Sy Roth, Anand Salve, Jameson Stewart
The B’K March 2013
- Art from: Riley Furmanek, Alexander Landerman, Andrew Peterson, douglas somers, Chris Talbot-Heindl
- Fiction from: Andrew Peterson
- Non-fiction from: Danielle Dragona, Jason Ford, Jan Haskell, Chris Talbot-Heindl, Ben Zoltak
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Mandal Bijoy Beg, Marc Carver, Mike Cluff, Holly Day, Zachary Frisch, Dawnell Harrison, Dan Hedges, Colin Dodds, Doug Draime, LM & XY, Afzal Moolla, Tendai R. Mwanaka, robert pino, Ron Reikki, Josh Sapan, Jameson Stewart, Franz Wilde
The B’K April 2013
- Art from: Riley Furmanek, Alexander Landerman, Andrew Peterson, douglas somers, Chris Talbot-Heindl, Jacob Zurawski
- Fiction from: Robert Allen Beckvall, Danielle Dragona, Bobby Fox, Howie Good, Timber Masterson, Amy Simons, Gwil James Thomas
- Non-fiction from: Eric Krszjzaniek
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Michael Ashley, Mandal Bijoy Beg, Mike Cluff, Louie Crew, Holly Day, Colin Dodds, Doug Draime, Jason Ford, Zachary Frisch, Eddy Habib, Dawnell Harrison, Jan Haskell, Jnana Hodson, Colin James, Donal Mahoney, Lois Mintah, Afzal Moolla, Tendai R. Mwanaka, Robert Pino, Ron Reikki, Sy Roth, Franz Wilde
The B’K May 2013
- Art from: Riley Furmanek, Loren Kantor, Andrew Peterson, douglas somers, Chris Talbot-Heindl, Dana Talbot-Heindl
- Fiction from: Robert Allen Beckvall, Ross Brown, Howie Good, Cindy Small
- Non-fiction from: Danielle Dragona, Tyler Furo
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Michael Ashley, Roo Bardookie and Louis Marvin, Mandal Bijoy Beg, Gerald Bosacker, Mike Cluff, Doug Draime, Alon Calinao Dy, Jason Ford, Eddy Habib, Dawnell Harrison, Jan Haskell, Jnana Hodson, Sarah-Jean Krahn, Lois Mintah, Afzal Moolla, Christopher Mulrooney, Tendai R. Mwanaka, Janna Payne, Ron Reikki, Kevin Robillard, Sy Roth, Anand Salve, David Schmidt, Gautam Sen, Anthony Ward, Burton H. Wolfe
The B’K June 2013
- Art from: Mike Godell, Tanya Haller, Kyle Hemmings, Andrew Peterson, kaleeM rajA, douglas somers, Chris Talbot Heindl
- Fiction from: Kate Alexander-Kirk, Robert Allen Beckvall, Jan Haskell, Louis Marvin and XY, Jenny Mudarri, Peabody Winston
- Non-fiction from: Kelleigh Cram, Danielle Dragona, Tyler Furo, Howie Good
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Michael Ashley, Mandal Bijoy Beg, Gerald Bosacker, Wayne Burke, Mike Cluff, Doug Draime, Alon Calinao Dy, Teri Edlebeck, Eddy Habib, Dawnell Harrison, Jnana Hodson, Shane Jezowski, Josh Lisiuk, Lois Mintah, Afzal Moolla, Christopher Mulrooney, Tendai R. Mwanaka, robert pino, Max Pollifrone, kaleeM rajA, Sy Roth, Michael Siebert, B R Stafford, Jeremiah Walton, Anthony Ward
The B’K July 2013
- Artwork from: Georgia Bellas, Bleu Heindl, Kyle Hemmings, Laine Jewell, douglas somers, Chris Talbot-Heindl
- Fiction from: Robert Allen Beckvall, Danielle Dragona, Louis Marvin and XY, Cindy Small
- Non-fiction from: John Becker, Clyde Borg, Jan Haskell, John Lee, Tyler Furo
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Eloisa Amezcua, Michael Ashley, Mandal Bijoy Beg, Wayne Burke, Mike Cluff, Linda M. Crate, Doug Draime, George Freek, Keith Fuchs, Howie Good, Christopher Gretkus, Dawnell Harrison, Laine Jewell, Kyle Kaczmarick, Craig Kurtz, Joshua Marshall, Afzal Moolla, Christopher Mulrooney, Tendai R. Mwanaka, Robert Pino, kaleeM rajA, Sy Roth, Anthony Ward
- Screenplay from: Josh Medsker
The B’K August 2013
- Artwork from: Freedom Heindl, Laine Jewell, Andrew Peterson, Chris Talbot-Heindl
- Non-fiction from: Clyde Borg, Danielle Dragona, Tyler Furo
- Fiction from: Jan Haskell, Louis Marvin and XY, Cindy Small
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Anthony Arnott, Mandal Bijoy Beg, Buzz Burinski, Wayne Burke, Thom Douglas Carlisle, Pradeep Chaswal, Mike Cluff, George Freek, Sarah Gawricki, Howie Good, Dawnell Harrison, Laine Jewell, Andy L. Kubai, Afzal Moolla, Sy Roth, A.g. Synclair, Anthony Ward
The B’K September 2013
- Artwork from: Brooke Newman, Andrew Peterson, Kandra Shefchik, Julie Sittler, Chris Talbot-Heindl
- Fiction from: Robert Allen Beckvall
- Non-fiction from: Danielle Dragona, Jan Haskell
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Roo Bardookie and Louis Marvin, Mandal Bijoy Beg, Mike Cluff, Dawnell Harrison, Laine Jewell, Joshua Marshall, Afzal Moolla, Douglas Polk, kaleeM rajA, Sy Roth, Jameson Stewart, Anthony Ward
The B’K October 2013
- Artwork from: Alon Calinao Dy, Stephanie Jones, Brooke Newman, W. Jack Savage
- Fiction from: Robert Allen Beckvall, Louis Marvin and XY, Matt Staley
- Non-fiction from: Terry Barr, Danielle Dragona, Paul Lewellan
- Poetry from: Kenneth Abraham, Samuel L. Arguinzoni, Mandal Bijoy Beg, Big D., Wayne F. Burke, Valentina Cano, Mike Cluff, Alon Calinao Dy, Mitchell Krochmalnik Grabois, John Grey, Kenneth P. Gurney, Dawnell Harrison, Laine Jewell, Mike Jewett, Jamie Lee Knight, Peter Marra, Afzal Moolla, Doireann O’Sullivan, Robert Pino, Douglas Polk, Jess Provencio, kaleeM rajA, Debby Regan, John Roth, Sy Roth, W. Jack Savage, Jameson Stewart, Brett Stout, Jeremiah Walton
- Screenplay from: Gary Beck
- Statement from: Alexis Hope Ronsmans
The B’K November 2013
- Artwork from: Tanya Haller, Stephanie Jones, Robin E. Lee, Brooke Newman, W. Jack Savage.
- Fiction from: Robert Allen Beckvall
- Nonfiction from: Danielle Dragona, PirateBagel, Chris Talbot-Heindl
- Poetry from: Mandal Bijoy Beg, Wayne Burke, Valentina Cano, Marc Carver, Mike Cluff, Julie Finch, Mitchell Krochmalnik Grabois, John Grey, Kenneth P. Gurney, Dawnell Harrison, Laine Jewell, Robin E. Lee, Peter Marra, Afzal Moolla, Robert Pino, Douglas Polk, Jess Provencio, kaleeM rajA, John Roth, Sy Roth, Deborah Seewald, Jameson Stewart, Brett Stout, Jeremiah Walton
- Prose from: Louis Marvin and XY
The B’K December 2013
- Artwork from: Hector Acuna, Garth Bader, Mike Godell, Stephanie Jones, Kelly Krill, Dani Kvatek, Brooke Newman, Alex Nodopaka, Dana Talbot-Heindl, Wlkn_Fire.
- Fiction from: Kyle Hemmings, Michael Gillan Maxwell.
- Non-fiction from: Julia Brennan, Chris Talbot-Heindl.
- Poetry from: Mandal Bijoy Beg, Tim J. Brennan, Sissy Buckles, Wayne Burke, Valentina Cano, Joseph James Cawein, Mike Cluff, Brenna Doherty, Julie Finch, Mitchell Krochmalnik Grabois, John Grey, Kenneth P. Gurney, Dawnell Harrison, Ivan Jenson, Krista Lea, Janna Liggan, Peter Marra, Louis Marvin and XY, Robert Pino, Jess Provencio, John Roth, Anupam Sinha, Brett Stout, Anthony Ward.
- Prose from: Garth Bader, Jonathan Cook.