The creations of Chris Talbot
Two of my biggest passions are art and activism, and as such, most of my creations could be considered political in nature. I work through the complexity of identity through my art, and as such, some of my creations can be difficult to interact with. I will provide content warnings where appropriate.
Educomics About Inequities in the Nonprofit Industrial Complex

This mini-comic series is designed for two reasons: for marginalized nonprofit workers to realize they are not alone and for white, cis nonprofit workers to adjust their behavior to stop harming their marginalized coworkers.
Using real-life events that I witnessed or experienced working in the nonprofit industrial complex, I illustrate why common behaviors are harmful and what folks could do instead. CW: White supremacy culture
Educomics About Nonbinary Advocacy Cisgender People can Take

This mini educomic is for nonbinary folks and the people who love them! Each issue has a different topic that can help cisgender people make navigating a binary world just a little better for nonbinary people.
Everything depicted in these educomics either happened to me or someone who shared their story with me. CW: Transphobia
The Story of Them Graphic Novel

This serial graphic novel explores what it’s like to be nonbinary or gender non-conforming in today’s very gender binary society.
All the events that take place in the chapters are real and really happened to nonbinary individuals, although not to the fictional characters they are depicted as having happened to. CW: Transphobia
Why Must the White Cis Nonprofit Workers Angry React to All My Posts - The Book

I am currently writing this book that includes a lot of my educomics and essays regarding the inequities in the nonprofit industrial complex, as well as some new works to help us see the problems inherent in white supremacist culture within the “doing good” industry.
Recently Published Works
A small sampling of recently published works.
The Small Nonprofit with Maria Rio Podcast: JEDI vs. DEI — Why justice must come first

Chris shares their personal experiences and insights on the challenges and opportunities facing nonprofits today, particularly in the areas of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI).
Fifty Shades of Gender Podcast

Chris is transgender, nonbinary, asexual, and panromantic — find out what that means to them. We also talks bout how labels can mean something different each day, how the gender binary is a colonial construct, about gender fuckery and gender abundance, cultural influences on gender, what allyship is and what it’s not, how to take accountability, feeling safe in ourselves, dismantling internalized belief systems, and make space for abundance.
Essay: Let's talk about how nurturance culture can improve our movement
We, collectively, need to discuss how we are contributing to the burnout of the BIPOC women who serve as moderators in our movement and, more importantly, how we can conduct ourselves to match their intentionality.
OPINION: Colorado's Outdoor Equity Grant Program has done immeasurable good but needs more funding to meet community needs
If our state truly wants to prioritize equity, sending $10 million to the OEGP should be near the top of the list.
Selected Artwork
A small sampling of fine artwork by Chris Talbot-Heindl.
The weirdest project I’ve ever done
In 2015, I had a hysterectomy. Before going under, I asked my surgeon if I could keep the offending body part and he said yes. As a thank you for my care team, I created a Flat Stanley-esque photoshoot with my uterus (in a Tupperware) complete with homemade gear so that we could go around town as besties. Here are some highlights from that project.